Hugo Ribeiro
Environmental Sciences Researcher
Invited Lectures
Ribeiro H. Always Look on the Bright Side of a Bad Peer-Reviewing Process Nautilus seminar series, CIIMAR, 22 January, Porto, Portugal.
Ribeiro H. The potential of salt marsh plants as a biotechnological tool to recover from oil spills in estuarine environments. Lecturing on Ecosystems Restoration classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Ecology and Environment program at the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. Biotechnology and remediation os Salt Marshes contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Lecturing on Environmental Biotechnology classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Ecology and Environment program at the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. Biotechnology and remediation os Salt Marshes contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Lecturing on Environmental Biotechnology classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Ecology and Environment program at the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. Biotechnology and remediation os Salt Marshes contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Lecturing on Environmental Biotechnology classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Ecology, Environment and Territory program from Faculty of Sciences (FCUP) and Master's degree in Bioengineering program from Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. Biotechnology and remediation os Salt Marshes contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Lecturing on Environmental Biotechnology classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Ecology, Environment and Territory program from Faculty of Sciences (FCUP) and Master's degree in Bioengineering program from Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. The role of Salt Marsh plants on Petroleum Hydrocarbons Bioremediation. Workshop: Fitorremediação e Biorremediação: importância das zonas húmidas no controle da poluição, 15 November, Porto, Portugal.
Ribeiro H. Bacterial community response to petroleum contamination and the potential of salt marsh plants for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbon. Ocean seminar, CIIMAR, 26 July, Porto, Portugal.
Ribeiro H. Potential of Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria in Crude Oil Degradation. Lecturing on Biological Oceanography classes under the scope of the Master's degree in Marine Sciences program at ICBAS - Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto.
Ribeiro H. Ecology of Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria. Lecturing on Microbial Ecology classes under the scope of the Aquatic Sciences first degree (BSc) program at ICBAS - Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto.
Oral communications​
In International Scientific Meetings
Mendes RP, Alexandrino DAM, Bôto M, Fernandes JP, Santos F, Ribeiro H, Magalhães C, Ramos S, Carvalho MF, Almeida CMR., Mucha AP. Oil Spills Bioremediation with Native Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacterial: SpilLess Project. 7th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VII) and the 11th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology conference (ISEB 2018), 25 - 28 June, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Ribeiro H, de Sousa T, Santos J, Sousa AGG, Teixeira C, Salgado P, Monteiro MM, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Torgo L, Magalhães C. The potential involvement of dissimilatory nitrate reduction pathways in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation. Symposium Novel Anaerobes, 10th November, Braga, Portugal
Salgado P, Kiene RP, Moran MA, Ribeiro H, Magalhães C. A biogeochemical and molecular perspective into the organic sulfur and nitrogen cycles interaction. FEMS 2017 – 7th Congress of European Microbiologists, 9 – 13 July, Valencia, Spain.
Bartilotti C, Santos A, Marques R, Silva A, Churro C, Cotrim S, Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Carvalho MF, Almeida CMR, Azevedo I, Ramos S, Borges T, Leandro S, Dias A, Silva E, Ferreira H, Dias I, Almeida JM, Torgo L, Dias N, Jorge P, Martins A, Magalhães C. Presenting the MarinEye project – Development and validation of a prototype for multitrophic oceanic monitoring. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE. 19-23 September, Riga, Latvia.
Magalhães C, Mucha AP, Carvalho F, Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR., Azevedo I, Ramos S, Borges T, Leandro S, Santos A, Silva A, Bartilotti C, Teixeira BF, Cotrim S, Dias A, Silva E, Ferreira H, Dias I, Almeida JM, Torgo L, Dias N, Jorge P, Martins A. Development of an autonomous system for integrated marine monitoring. 41st CIESM Congress – 12 - 16 September, Kiel, Germany.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Azevedo I, Salgado P, Teixeira C, Almeida CMR, Joye SB, Magalhães C. Antagonic interference of Crude Oil in Denitrification and Anammox, and its effect on N2O production. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Santos J, Monteiro M, Mendes D, Ribeiro H, Borges T, Magalhães C. The role of an estuarine salinity gradient on key nitrogen processes. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Magalhães C, Mucha AP, Carvalho F, Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR., Azevedo I, Ramos S, Borges T, Leandro S, Santos A, Silva A, Bartilotti C, Teixeira BF, Cotrim S, Dias A, Silva E, Ferreira H, Dias I, Almeida JM, Torgo L, Dias N, Jorge P, Martins A. Development of an autonomous system for integrated marine monitoring. XIX SIEBM - Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies. 5 - 9 September, Porto, Portugal.
Martins A, Dias A, Silva E, Ferreira H, Dias I, Almeida JM, Torgo L, Gonçalves M, Guedes M, Dias N, Jorge P, Mucha AP, Magalhães C, Carvalho MF, Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR, Azevedo I, Ramos S, Borges T, Leandro S, Maranhão P, Mouga T, Gamboa R, Lemos M, Santos A, Silva A, Teixeira B, Bartilotti C, Marques R, Cotrim S. MarinEye – A tool for marine monitoring. OCEANS ’16 MTS/IEEE conference – 10- 13 April, Shanghai, China.
Santos J, Monteiro M, Mendes D, Ribeiro H, Borges T, Magalhães C. The role of an estuarine salinity gradient on key nitrogen processes. BioMicroWorld VI -International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, 28-30 October, Barcelona, Spain.
Mucha AP, Ribeiro H, Silva MN, Teixeira C, Almeida CMR. Phytoremediation and bioremediation of contaminants in estuaries: implications for management. ECSA 54 - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools. 12 – 16 May, Sesimbra, Portugal.
Mucha AP, Ribeiro H, Pontes J, Almeida CMR. Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in estuarine and coastal zones: case specific strategies for environmental protection. IBBS 16 - XVI International Biodeteriorationnand Biodegradation Symposium, 3-5 September, Lodz, Poland.
Almeida CMR, Nunes M, Teixeira C, Ribeiro H, Gomes C R, Bordalo AA, Mucha AP. Rhizoremediation of contaminants in salt marshes: plant – microorganisms interactions. ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change, 13 – 17 October, Shanghai, China.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Influence of different salt marsh plants on hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms abundance throughout a phenological cycle. 1th Symposium on Subsoil Characterization and Remediation, 4 June, Porto, Portugal.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Influence of rhizosediments characteristics on hydrocarbon degradation potential of Juncus maritimus plant-microorganisms association. IBBS-15 - 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, 19-24 September, Vienna, Austria.
Borges M-T, Santos I, Restivo MT, Mendes JG, Ribeiro H, Pereira CM. Solving the challenge of hyperintensive aquaculture: getting the maximum monitoring output from the minimum water input. IRF’ 2009 - 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure, 20-24 July 2009, Porto, Portugal.
In National Scientific Meetings
Sousa AGG, Tomasino MP, Duarte P, Fernández-Méndez M, Assmy P, Ribeiro H, Surkont J, Leite R, Leal JP, Luís T, Magalhães C. The Arctic microbial communities during the winter-spring transition north of Svalbard: diversity and nitrogen cycling functional genes. 9ª Conferência Polar Portuguesa, 6th and 7th, November, UBI-Covilhã, Portugal
Santos A, Silva A, Teixeira BF, Bartilotti C, Marques R, Cotrim S, Marques, Martins A, Dias A, Silva E, Ferreira H, Dias I, Almeida JM, Torgo L, Gonçalves M, Guedes M, Dias N, Jorge P, Coelho L, Mucha AP, Carvalho MF, Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR, Azevedo I, Ramos S, Borges T, Leandro S, Maranhão P, Mouga T, Gamboa R, Lemos M, Magalhães C. MarinEye – Protótipo para monitorização multitrófica oceânica. 4as Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 21 a 23 de junho, Lisboa, Portugal
Santos JP, Monteiro M, Mendes D, Ribeiro H, Borges T, Magalhães C. The role of salinity on estuarine ammonia oxidising activity. IJUP – Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 13 – 15 May, Porto, Portugal.
Séneca J, Ribeiro H, Monteiro M, Charles L, Cary SC. Magalhães C. Phylogenetic diversity of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in the extreme Transantartic Mountains. 6ª Conferência Polar Portuguesa, 30 - 31 October, Porto, Portugal.
Séneca J, Monteiro M, Ribeiro H, Charles L, Magalhães C, Cary SC. Antarctic Dry Valleys: geochemical soil properties and microbial communities. IJUP – Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, 12 – 14 February, Porto, Portugal.
Bordalo AA, Ribeiro H, Carvalho AC. Is Portuguese salt a source of iodine for humans? XIV Congresso Português de Endocrinologia, 24-27 Janeiro, Porto, Portugal.
Flash/short oral + poster communications​
In International Scientific Meetings
Poster communications
Ribeiro H, Soares-Santos V, Machado A, Costa-Dias S, Wijaya I MW, Salgado P, Bordalo AA, Teixeira C. UN(K)NOWN Project: Development of Anammox Microbial Inocula to Improve Nitrogen Removal Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment. CEST2019 - 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 4-7 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
Wijaya IMW, Ribeiro H, Soedjono ES, Slamet A, Teixeira C, Bordalo AA. Start-up of the Nitrogen Removal Process in an Anaerobic Up-Flow Reactor Inoculated with Aeration Tank Sludge. CEST2019 - 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 4-7 September 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
In International Scientific Meetings
Ribeiro H, Kanellopoulos A, Papadopoulou ES, Papadopoulou KK, Karpouzas DG. Exploring the potential of plant-derived terpenoids as biological nitrification inhibitors. 10th International Conference of MIKROBIOKOSMOS, 30 November - 2 December 2023, Larissa, Greece.
Kanellopoulos A, Ribeiro H, Papadopoulou ES, Karpouzas DG. Development of a fast-track/ high throughput screening assay on soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria for the discovery of novel biological nitrification inhibitors. 10th International Conference of MIKROBIOKOSMOS, 30 November - 2 December 2023, Larissa, Greece.
Ribeiro H, da Silva JG, Jesus J, Magalhães C, Danko AS, Dias JM. Exploring the biodiesel and toluene anaerobic bioremediation potential in soils. BioRemid2019 - 2nd International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes, 24-25th October, Porto, Portugal.
Ribeiro H, Wijaya IMW, Soares-Santos V, Santos A, Costa-Dias S, Salgado P, Machado A, Bordalo AA, Teixeira C. Exploring anammox bacteria ecology to improve nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment. XX SIEBM - 20th Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, 9-12 September, Braga, Portugal.
Mendes RF, Alexandrino DAM, Bôto M, Fernandes JP, Santos F, Ribeiro H, Magalhães C, Ramos S, Carvalho MF, Almeida CMR, Mucha, AP. An innovative approach to help clean oil spills: native microbial consortia with bioremediation capacity delivered by unmanned vehicles. ECSA 57: Changing estuaries, coasts and shelf systems - Diverse threats and opportunities, 3-6 September 2018 | Pan Pacific Perth, Perth, WA, Australia.
Sousa AGG, Tomasino MP, Duarte P, Fernández-Méndez M, Assmy P, Ribeiro H, Surkont J, Leite R, Leal JP, Torgo L, Magalhães C. The Arctic microbiome during the winter-spring transition: nitrogen-cycle genes. POLAR2018, 15 - 26th June, Davos, Switzerland
Santos JP, Ribeiro H, Sousa AGG, Padeiro A, Canário J, Magalhães C. Anthropogenic impact on soil prokaryotic communities of Fildes Peninsula., POLAR2018, 15 - 26th June, Davos, Switzerland
Ribeiro H, Salgado P, Almeida CMR, Mucha AP, Magalhães C. Effects of Crude Oil on microbial denitrification and N2O production in salt marsh sediments. FEMS 2017 – 7th Congress of European Microbiologists, 9 – 13 July, Valencia, Spain.
Ribeiro H, Sousa T, Santos JP, Teixeira C, Salgado P, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Magalhães C. Naphthalene and fluoranthene degradation under nitrate reduction conditions - key shifts on indigenous estuarine microbial consortium. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR, Oliveira T, Salgado P, Mucha AP, Magalhães C. Effects of Copper on microbial denitrification and N2O production in salt marsh sediments. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Santos JP, Magalhães C, Ribeiro H, Padeiro A, Canário J. Shifts on bacterial community structure in Antarctica Fildes Peninsula soils with different levels of metal concentrations. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
H. Ribeiro, C. Magalhães, A.P. Mucha, M.F. Carvalho, C.M.R. Almeida, I. Azevedo, S. Ramos T. Borges, S.M. Leandro, P. Maranhão, T. Mouga, R. Gamboa, M. Lemos, A. dos Santos, A. Silva, C. Bartilotti, B.F. Teixeira, R. Marques, S.C. Marques, A. Dias, E. Silva, H. Ferreira, I. Dias, J.M. Almeida, M. Gonçalves6 M. Guedes, M. Oliveira, L. Coelho, L. Torgo, N. Dias, P. Jorge, A. Martins. 2016. Development and validation of an autonomous filtration system for integrated marine monitoring. ECSA56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state. 4 – 7 September 2016, Bremen, Germany.
Santos J, Magalhães C, Ribeiro H, Padeiro A, Canário J. Shifts on bacterial community structure in Antarctica Fildes Peninsula soils with different levels of metal concentrations. BioMicroWorld VI - International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, 28-30 October, Barcelona, Spain.
Danko AS, Portugal F, Rosas M, Oliva-Teles T, Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Magalhaes C, Dias JM. Methanogenic Biodegradation of Different Types of Biodiesel: Impacts on Benzene Biodegradation and Microbial Communities. Third International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies. 18 – 21 May, Miami, Florida, USA.
Danko AS, Silva JCG, Ribeiro H, Magalhaes C, Dias JM. Biodegradation of Biodiesel under Nitrate Reducing Conditions: Impacts on Benzene Biodegradation and Microbial Communities. 13th International AquaConSoil Conference. 9 – 12 June, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR, Mucha AP, Bordalo AA. Hydrocarbon degradation potential of microorganisms associated to Juncus maritimus roots in sediments with distinct natural characteristics. ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change, 13 – 17 October, Shanghai, China.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Potential of phytoremediation for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated salt marsh sediments. FEMS 2013 – 5th Congress of European Microbiologists, 21-25 July, Leipzig, Germany.
Ribeiro H, Almeida CMR, Mucha AP, Bordalo AA. Response of salt marsh microbial community to petroleum contamination. 5th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation, 24-28 June, Prague, Czech Republic.
Ribeiro H, Borges M-T, Matos A, Pereira CM, Castro PML. Effects of biofouling on nitrification performance of a biofilter operating in a commercial marine aquaculture recirculation system. IBBS-15 - 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, 19-24 September, Vienna, Austria.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Influence of different salt marsh plants and their associated microorganisms on the rhizodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. 5th European Bioremediation Conference, 4-7 July, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Mucha AP, Teixeira C, Magalhães CM, Ribeiro H, Bordalo AA, Almeida CMR. Influence of salt marsh plants, contaminants (metals and PAHs) and natural sediment characteristics on rhizosphere microorganisms. FEMS 2011 – 4th Congress of European Microbiologists, 26-30 June, Geneva, Switzerland.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Plant-microorganisms associations in salt marshes: influence on hydrocarbon degradation. BioMicroWorld - III International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, 2-4 December, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ribeiro H, Mucha AP, Almeida CMR, Bordalo AA. Influence of plant-microorganisms associations on hydrocarbons degradation in salt marshes. WETPOL 2009 - 3rd Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control Symposium, 20-24 September, Barcelona, Spain.
Borges M-T, Matos A, Henriques I, Ribeiro H, Peixe C, Pereira CM, Castro PML. Variations of total bacteria and ammonia oxidizing bacteria community composition in a moving bed biofilter of a shallow raceway fish farm. FEMS 2009 - 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, Microbes and Man - Interdependence and Future Challenges, 28 June-2 July, Gothenburg, Sweden.
In National Scientific Meetings
Ribeiro H, Séneca J, Monteiro M, Charles L, Cary SC, Magalhães C. Terrestrial microbial abundance and diversity across a transect focus in water availability in the Antarctic Dry Valleys. 6ª Conferência Polar Portuguesa, 30 - 31 October, Porto, Portugal.
Séneca J, Monteiro M, Ribeiro H, Charles L, Magalhães C, Cary SC. NITROEXTREM: 2013 Antarctic field campaign to the Dry Valleys. 5ª Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, 1 November, Faro, Portugal.